Morristown: Food Pantry Needs Donations

The shelves of the Food Pantry at Morristown High School are getting bare! They could use donations of nonperishable food items. Food benefits Morristown students. They could use donations of:

Canned: carrots, peas, mixed veggies, baked beans, peaches, pears, applesauce, mandarin oranges, pineapple chunks or slices, fruit cocktail, tomato soup, chili mix, tomato sauce/tomatoes, pumpkin (NO GREEN BEANS AND CORN!)

Boxes: Hamburger Helper, tuna Helper, jars of peanut butter, pumpkin, Stuffing mix like Stove Top (turkey or herb flavor), boxed potatoes like scalloped or au gratin,

Produce: sweet potatoes

Meat: Tuna, canned chicken, Spam

Our shelves are as bare as I've seen them since we started! We do have green beans and corn! Lots of it! We need

They do not need hygiene products, toilet paper, paper towel, or tissues at this time.

*Food should be dropped off at the high school office during school hours.